Welcome to the Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time Edition of the Weekly Word Challenge, brought to you again by
Tink, the woman married to a future hairdresser extraordinaire.
Why are we not ready for Prime Time, you may ask? I blame Granny. She has been obsessively and compulsively working on the Daughter's graduation tribute video. The hours spent on that project left us little creative energy or time to get our WWC photos up earlier in the day. Those of you in the East will probably enjoy these a day late. I'm not sure how the time zones work for those of you who live in some foreign land, though I'm surprised you poor souls even have Internet connections at all. Either way, enjoy.
AFavorite Song ("Rubber Ducky" as made famous by Ernie from
Sesame Street.)
Bonus Photo (From around Easter, as evidenced by the bunny and extra-girly dress.)
We'll be celebrating with the Daughter the rest of the week, so you may or may not see us around much. Granny promises to be a gracious host for all our graduation guests, and Gramps promises to drink
a lot of beer so he can pretend that our guests never showed up.
Have a great week, and join us for next week's WWC which will feature shots of a wildly drunk Gramps telling friends and relatives to get the hell out of his house.