Tuesday, June 30, 2009

WWC: "6" and "Look Up"

Greetings, Earthlings! Welcome to the 4th of July Edition of the Weekly Word Challenge. Our fair hostess, Tink, has passed on two patriotic words/phrases for your viewing pleasure. As a special treat, we will also be including the first ever photographs of The Granddaughter. I know you've been dying to see her, so here she is!

6 (As always, she is fascinated by beer. You're never too young to learn.)

Look Up

Bonus Photo #1 (She is completely exhausted after her mother's graduation celebration.)

Bonus Photo #2 (Remember the box that so fascinated her?)

Thank you for joining us for WWC this week at our little ol' blog. Please join us again next week when the theme will be either "okra" or "a frickin' adorable little girl."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

WWC: "C" and "Wood"

It's Tuesday, which means it is time for another exciting episode of the Weekly Word Challenge, brought to you by Tink, purveyor of all things pickled. If you are pregnant, nursing, or think you may become pregnant, please use caution when viewing these pictures. The extreme adorability of The Granddaughter has been known to cause injury and death in laboratory animals.


Wood (Bats, tables and coasters, oh my!)

Bonus Photo ("Can Viper come out and play, Granny?")

We have come to the end of another exciting episode, and we thank you for inviting us into your home or workplace. (If you are reading this from work, you'd better get back to business before you get your behind fired.) Please come back to see us next week for our special tribute, "Odd Things The Granddaughter Has Put into Her Mouth."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Who Needs a Little Red Wagon?

The long graduation party weekend is over, leaving us exhausted and ready for a long nap. Unfortunately, The Granddaughter insisted that we pull her around in a box for the entire evening. We took turns, but she outlasted us all.

She is definitely a little girl who knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it. I pity her future spouse. At least she'll be frickin' adorable.

Friday, June 19, 2009

It Is Finished

The graduation ceremony is done! Our little girl has finished high school. Whew. Now can we kick her out of the house?

Our daughter was chosen to give the inspirational speech, and she is standing at the podium in the photo below. Isn't she beautiful? She did a great job on the speech. Her main point was that life isn't always the fairytale we want, but even if we make mistakes, there is still an opportunity to turn things around and have a bright future. We're proud of her. She must take after Gramps.

We had a mild celebration at The Cheesecake Factory with family, and we'll have a slightly more raucous time at a barbecue on Saturday.

And, as always, The Granddaughter was frickin' adorable. She was quite proud of her mommy. Here she is, eating a delicious shoe.

I hope y'all are having a good week.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

WWC: "A" and "Favorite Song"

Welcome to the Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time Edition of the Weekly Word Challenge, brought to you again by Tink, the woman married to a future hairdresser extraordinaire.

Why are we not ready for Prime Time, you may ask? I blame Granny. She has been obsessively and compulsively working on the Daughter's graduation tribute video. The hours spent on that project left us little creative energy or time to get our WWC photos up earlier in the day. Those of you in the East will probably enjoy these a day late. I'm not sure how the time zones work for those of you who live in some foreign land, though I'm surprised you poor souls even have Internet connections at all. Either way, enjoy.


Favorite Song ("Rubber Ducky" as made famous by Ernie from Sesame Street.)

Bonus Photo (From around Easter, as evidenced by the bunny and extra-girly dress.)

We'll be celebrating with the Daughter the rest of the week, so you may or may not see us around much. Granny promises to be a gracious host for all our graduation guests, and Gramps promises to drink a lot of beer so he can pretend that our guests never showed up.

Have a great week, and join us for next week's WWC which will feature shots of a wildly drunk Gramps telling friends and relatives to get the hell out of his house.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

WWC: "Three" and "Lean"

Gramps is sick (has been since Thursday), so once again - this is Granny picking up the pieces - (I'm such a good wife)! Please forgive my lack of creativity with the commentary, my skills are with images ... thus ... This week we bring you The Grandaughter featuring:



Be sure to wish Gramps "Get Well Wishes" - Granny needs him to get better really soon, The Daughter (aka The Mommy) graduates from HS next week and we are expecting 35-40 people over for a Celebration!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Do I Love Thee?...

...Let me count the ways.

#47 You surprise me with beer.

The first ever week Granny and I ever spent together, she brought me a beer, and I hadn't even asked for it. That's the moment I began to wonder if she was indeed "the one." She was, of course.

If you've not ever had any Metolius beers, you must make an effort to try some. It is a Portland, OR brewing company, and this is their Dolly Varden India Pale Ale. All of their brews are top notch. So is Granny.

Thanks, dear.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

WWC: "Yellow" and "In My Purse/Wallet"

Greetings and welcome to the All Baby Edition of the Weekly Word Challenge. This week's episode is brought to you by Pickled Beef, where our motto is "At least one of us is working." In a stunning development, the words of the week are actual words and not strange, alien symbols. Enjoy as The Granddaughter struts her stuff.


In My Purse (Granny's purse, mind you.)

Bonus Photo (The Granddaughter with Granny's new 'Betty Boop' roses.)

That's all there is to share this week, folks. We thank you kindly for joining us and wish you a very happy week wishing you had a grandchild as adorable as this one. And remember to cover your mouth when you cough.