Hello? Is anyone there?
Yes, it has been a long time, hasn't it. And we have some perfectly good excuses. We've had lots of drama with kids. Our granddaughter was MIA again for many, many days. Granny has been dealing with some pretty rotten chronic illness. Gramps had a virus. Then he got just plain lazy.
Mafia Wars. Yes, there was that, too.
But we're back. I can see from your blogs that lots has been happening with you, too. Before we go any further, everyone please go congratulate Cate on
her new frickin' adorable baby! We're very happy for you. We're also terrified for you. It's a kid, and it's yours.
All yours. You and Nate will make great parents.
Our own grandchild has been standing and taking her first tentative steps. She will be eleven months old tomorrow. She is still, of course, the most delicious
apfelpfankuchen in the world.
Now on to the most recent edition of the Weekly Word Challenge. You may recall that the last time we spoke,
Tink had been snuffed by a zombie alligator, and she was hosting the WWC from the heavens.
Jay is her avatar on this plane, though some think he is a heretic. I am still awaiting further evidence, such as his turning water into beer.
We've skipped several weeks of the WWC, but we're back on track for "Go Green" and "Square." Thank you for your patience.
Go Green (The Granddaughter just loves to recycle.)
Square ("Grandpa, can you help me put this square into the right hole?")
Bonus Picture #1 ("I don't wanna go!")
Bonus Picture #2 ("HEEEELP me, Grandpa!")

Thanks for still being here, Internet. We love you. Please stay tuned, and I can assure you that next week--on schedule--we'll have more baby goodness just for you.