Tuesday, May 5, 2009

WWC: "Bokeh" and "Heart"

It is WTF at WWC this week. Tink has run out of actual words and is now making them up for the Weekly Word Challenge. Nevertheless, The Granddaughter strutted her stuff, and we got some great shots. If pictures of cute babies make you vomit, you may want to skip to something more appropriate for you. On to the baby goodness...

Bokeh (Yeah, we had to look it up, too.)


Bonus Photo ("Right back at ya!")

This week's episode has drawn to a close, and we thank you for joining us. This is Gramps, for Granny and The Granddaughter, saying good night, and drive safely.


Janet said...

Thanks for my dose of baby shots!

Karen said...

I had to look up Bokeh too.
I love coming here and getting my baby fix. The sunglasses are too cute!

Fortune Cookies said...

look at that little movie star in those fabulous sunglasses!!! :)

Reb said...

Great shots - love the "back at ya!"

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I just want to snuggle your grandbaby. What a sweetheart!
I love the way she is looking at that heart in the middle picture.
Bokeh was a doozy, wasn't it?

Aunt Jackie said...

You guys are genius with this baby thing... I love the heart one.

Tink said...

I'm not clever enough to make up a word that cool. ;)

I love that last shot. Born star!

g-man said...

HA. You need to start playing Elvis tunes for her now!

Well done Gramps.