Tuesday, March 17, 2009

WWC: "One" and "Diamond"

The Granddaughter again brought her "A" game for the Weekly Word Challenge. See the evidence below.

One ("We're number one!")
Diamond (Her first baseball game.)

Bonus Photo That little girl sure does love socks. Dee-licious.
Be sure to tune in next Tuesday for more baby goodness.


Cate Subrosa said...

That middle shot is my favourite. Babies are so funny with their cute little expressions!

Anonymous said...

No one does baseball in this house, so I didn't even think of a baseball diamond!
Your grandbaby is definitely a shining jewel. :)

Tink said...

Awwww! Are you getting sick of me saying that yet? I didn't think so. The second shot is my favorite. Well played.

Anonymous said...

She is so darn cute!!!!!! And you're turning her into a regular sports fiend aren't you?