Friday, April 10, 2009

On Wearing the Pants

Earlier this morning...

Granny: What do you want for Easter dinner?

Gramps: How about pork roast?

Granny: No, ham!


Granny: I mean what sides do you want?

Gramps: Do I have a choice?

Granny: Maybe.


Cate Subrosa said...

Ha ha... she who cooketh maketh the rules, right?

Jennifer McKenzie said...

LMAO!!!!!! Did you have to cook the ham?
I'll bet you did.

I'm a Grandma, Now! said...

Of course, HE had to cook the ham!! Who do you think wears the pants in this family?? The Granddaughter??

Anonymous said...


This sounds a little bit like my house...

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Y'all are TOOOO funny!